Envelope Technik Facade Consultancy is an independent building facade consultancy & BIM service provider firm currently operating in Hyderabad, Bangalore & all Indian cities. We bring together highly experienced, innovative thinking facade design, planning, structural engineers devoted to turning ambitious visions into reality. We offer range of facade design, engineering and advisory services to developers, architects, portfolio managers, end users regarding the planning, design, construction documentation, quality management, construction administration, maintenance of building envelope, BIM modeling, sun path analysis, thermal analysis and more.
We complement architectural design team with our deep knowledge in building science, global design practices, international standards, local industry environment, decades of local presence. Since its inception Envelope Technik has worked with renowned Architectural firms & developers to create landmark buildings.
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Builders & Construction Company
Lucknow UP
1 rating
9+ Years experience | 80+ Projects done
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10+ Years experience | 25+ Projects done
Builders & Construction Company
2 ratings
15+ Years experience | 100+ Projects done
Interior Designer
11 ratings
10+ Years experience | 50+ Projects done