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Argo Exterior HPL Wall Cladding by Future Good Flooring

Starting from

₹350 / Sq. Foot

Product Highlights

  • Applications : Wall Cladding
  • Type of Laminate : High Pressure Laminate


Argo Exterior HPL Wall Cladding of Future Good Flooring is durable and high-performance for modern exterior use on walls. The cladding is designed specifically to be able to withstand extreme weather conditions and enhance the appearance of buildings, and to be used in residential, industrial, and commercial building construction jobs. Built out of multi-ply kraft paper firmly compressed together and filled with thermosetting resin, Argo HPL Cladding is strong and resistant, not easily harmed by impacts, and durable. It will never warp, crack, or weather away over the long term, and it is thus ideal for sustained outdoor application.

Argo Exterior HPL Cladding is also one of the best benefits of which is that it is resistant to harsh weather conditions, such as heavy rains, UV radiation, and temperature variations. The surface is also water-resistant, i.e., it will never swell or delaminate and is intact even today. Furthermore, the UV resistance never permits colors to fade, and the building facade is just as visually appealing for decades. It also ensures that dust and dirt cannot be deposited on it, and can be easily cleaned and maintained with minimal effort.

Beauty is also among the best benefits of Argo Exterior HPL Cladding as it comes in various colours, finishes, and texture to be applied on various architecture. If you prefer a clean and contemporary appearance, a woodgrain appearance with a warm radiance, or a contemporary bold look, the cladding boasts a varied option. The finishes are similar in real-life appearance of natural elements like wood and stone and create depth and personality to any external facade. Its durable but light weight gives way to simple ease of handling and installation, reducing labor cost and project time.

In addition to being strong and attractive, Argo HPL Cladding is also an energy-efficient building solution. It is insulated, limiting heat gain while maintaining the indoor temperatures constant. Energy and money are saved, hence a green solution. Future Good Flooring aims at sustainability and attains it through having Argo HPL Cladding manufactured under sustainable practices and recyclable materials.

Argo Exterior HPL Cladding gives a greater priority to fire safety, enhancing the security of buildings. It is termiticidal and fungicidal to ensure longer life even under extreme humidity levels. Its excellent structural strength and integrity render it suitable for a broad spectrum of applications such as residential facade work, office buildings, shopping centers, industrial projects, and public buildings such as hospitals and schools.

Overall, Argo Exterior HPL Wall Cladding by Future Good Flooring is the ideal investment for individuals who desire style, durability, and low maintenance at the same time. Its weather-resistant covering, long lifespan, and energy-saving features make it a good choice for modern building and construction methods. In constructing and renovating new buildings or old buildings, this cladding is a great and beautiful option that can accommodate the exterior of any building.


Applications Wall Cladding
Type of Laminate High Pressure Laminate
Future Good Flooring
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D-25/361, Ist Floor 60 Mangal Bazaar Road, , Delhi, Delhi, 110074



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Argo Exterior HPL Wall Cladding by Future Good Flooring

by Future Good Flooring

₹350  / Sq. Foot