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HPL Exterior Wall Cladding Sheet by Durian Laminates

Starting from

₹220 / Sq. Foot

Product Highlights

  • Applications : Outdoor Cladding, Facade Cladding, Wall Cladding, Balcony Cladding


DURIAN Exterior Compact Grade Laminate (ECGL) is a self-supporting HPL (High Pressure Laminates) which has excellent stability to withstand all shortfalls seen in other external application substrates. ECGL is an ideal option as cladding to decorate the exterior of a building. Exterior Grade Film used by Durian is a two-layer high efficient weather-and UV-protection film.
The presence of a PVDF layer on the upper surface of our film brings the following properties linked to the low surface tension, optimal UV resistance and high chemical resistance.

  • Longer UV protection
  • Chemical resistance
  •  Easy to clean including graffiti
  •  Anti soiling
  •  Anti fouling


Applications Outdoor Cladding, Facade Cladding, Wall Cladding, Balcony Cladding
Durian Laminates (Cedar Decor Pvt. Ltd.)
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F-2, Shapath-1,Nr. Cargo Motors,S. G. Highway,, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380054



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HPL Exterior Wall Cladding Sheet by Durian Laminates

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₹220  / Sq. Foot