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HPL Exterior Wall Cladding Sheet by Parquet Decor

Starting from

₹325 / Sq. Foot

Product Highlights

  • Sheet Application : Exterior
  • Applications : Outdoor Cladding, Facade Cladding, Wall Cladding, Balcony Cladding
  • Place of origin : India
  • Fireproof : Yes
  • Moisture Resistant : Yes
  • Waterproof : Yes
  • Type of Laminate : High Pressure Laminate


Leminex is self-supporting high pressure laminate (HPL) with a decorative surface that is suitable for exteriors. It is fade resistant and weather-proof and complies with standard EN 438.

It is entirely made up of layers of phonelic resin impregnated cellulose fibers with one or more decorative surface layers of cellulose fibers impregnated with thermosetting resins.

The manufacturing process involves the combined 0 applications of heat (1500c ) and high pressure (9 Mpa) in multi-daylights presses in which resin polycondensation takes place. One or both sides can be decorative. It can be supplied as standard or flame retardant additive mixed with the phenolic resins

LEMINEX HPL has a great endurance against to weather conditions
• Is not effected by solar, moisture, rain, acidic rain, dust storm, snow and frost. 
• Is not distorted in rapid temperature changes in between -20 C-+80 C
• Has resistant to UV rays and according to blue scale, UV factor is =8,
equivalent to 12 years in Middle Europe climate. 
• Has nanotechnological surface which does not hold bacterium.
• Has anti-graffiti feature.
• Does not get dirty, self-cleaning.
• Provides isolation of temperature and noise (14 db).
• Lets building to breathe.
• Resistant to strikes and solvents.
• Does not include insanitary components (asbestosis, heavy metal, halogen, sulfide).


LEMINEX Exterior Cladding panels are available in the following grades for their suitability as per the required applications:

Exterior Cladding Panels
Exterior Cladding Panels(Fire Retardant)
Exterior Cladding Panels(With Anti-graffiti) 


Sheet Application Exterior
Applications Outdoor Cladding, Facade Cladding, Wall Cladding, Balcony Cladding
Place of origin India
Fireproof Yes
Moisture Resistant Yes
Waterproof Yes
Type of Laminate High Pressure Laminate
Parquet Decor
GSTIN :  08AJGPY9749K1Z3
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Shop No. 55,Santosh Nagar,Opp. Ganga Jamuna Patrol Pump, Metro Pillar No 39,New Aatish Market -(Raj.), Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302019



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HPL Exterior Wall Cladding Sheet by Parquet Decor

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₹325  / Sq. Foot