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8 Products

Faucets & Showers.



Showing 8 of 8 Items

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bests seller
Grohe Bauedge Single-Lever Bath Mixer 1/2 Inch With Automatic Diverter (Chrome Finish)

Grohe Bauedge Single-Lever Bath Mixer 1/2 Inch With Automatic Diverter (Chrome Finish)

7,574 incl. Tax
9,900 23% off
Base price 6,419
GST 1,155

Total price 7,574
bests seller
Grohe Brass Concealed Valve Body - Standard Size (Chrome Finish)

Grohe Brass Concealed Valve Body - Standard Size (Chrome Finish)

1,508 incl. Tax
2,150 30% off
Base price 1,278
GST 230

Total price 1,508
Grohe Baucontemporary Bath Spout With Diverter - Chrome

Grohe Baucontemporary Bath Spout With Diverter - Chrome

2,922 incl. Tax
4,250 31% off
Base price 2,476
GST 446

Total price 2,922
Grohe Grohtherm F Thermostatic Trim With Integrated 2-Way Diverter - Chrome

Grohe Grohtherm F Thermostatic Trim With Integrated 2-Way Diverter - Chrome

18,905 incl. Tax
32,950 43% off
Base price 16,021
GST 2,884

Total price 18,905
Grohe Rainshower Smartconnect 310 Head Shower Set 422 mm, 2 Sprays - Chrome

Grohe Rainshower Smartconnect 310 Head Shower Set 422 mm, 2 Sprays - Chrome

46,378 incl. Tax
82,450 44% off
Base price 39,303
GST 7,075

Total price 46,378
Grohe Rainshower Smartactive 130 Hand Shower With 3 Sprays - Chrome

Grohe Rainshower Smartactive 130 Hand Shower With 3 Sprays - Chrome

8,544 incl. Tax
14,950 43% off
Base price 7,241
GST 1,303

Total price 8,544
Grohe Tempesta Shower Arm 400 mm (Chrome Finish)

Grohe Tempesta Shower Arm 400 mm (Chrome Finish)

1,619 incl. Tax
2,100 23% off
Base price 1,372
GST 247

Total price 1,619
Grohe Baucontemporary Bath Spout (Chrome Finish)

Grohe Baucontemporary Bath Spout (Chrome Finish)

1,878 incl. Tax
2,850 34% off
Base price 1,592
GST 286

Total price 1,878