Classic uPVC Casement Windows by Serramento

Classic uPVC Casement Windows by Serramento

Rs 498 / Sq. Foot


As the name suggests these are the classic designs that are never out-dated. Our Classic Casement windows give you the flexibility to choose between fixed and open able panels. The openable panels can be either side hung, to open inwards or outwards as per your convenience or top hung. They allow maximum light into your rooms. Our Classic windows are secure, Energy efficient and attractive so it is no surprise that they are one of our best selling styles. We make each window

Our Classic We’ll design them especially for you in the colour and configuration of your choice. With top or side hinges, you can pick your glazing and finishing touches for a tailored look and high performance. See how easy it is to transform your home.

- Allows maximum light into your rooms.

- Energy efficient – can help reduce your air- conditioning costs.

- Secure- with shoot bolt locks, key locking handles, toughened glass your home is secured.

- Effective noise reduction – cuts down sounds from outside.

- Maximum water tightness

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