uPVC Casement Windows by Serramento (DG Window Solutions)

uPVC Casement Windows by Serramento (DG Window Solutions)

Rs 500 / Sq. Foot


uPVC stands for Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride. Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) is also known as Rigid PVC. It is a chemical compound of chlorine, carbon and hydrogen. The ‘U’ states it is unplasticised, meaning the material used has not been softened by additional chemicals known as plasticizers.

UPVC is characterized by certain basic properties.:

- It does not rot

- It is resistant to weathering(it does not shrink or expand)

- Requires low maintenance

- Is tough on impact

- It is resistant to sunlight (UV Rays), chemical and oxidation from water, thus looking new even after years of usage.

uPVC is very economical compared to timber. This material is Eco-friendly and results in preventing deforestation by reducing the use of wood and timber for producing window and doors.

The profile design is multi-chambered for strength and stability. The insertion of steel reinforcements ensures maximum stability and long life. The multi - chamber design optimizes thermal insulation and enhances the acoustic properties of windows.

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