On the auspicious occasion of Dusshera on 11th October, Aludecor launched its Design and Application Department to serve its customers better. Stepping into the next level of service, Aludecor will, through this department, render design support to Designers, Fabricators, Builders and others. The purpose of this department is to enhance the overall quality of fabrication in India.
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This is the first such in-house design service available across India.Such a department was long awaited, and is going to make a huge difference vis-à-vis customer delight, says Aludecor Website update. The customer simply needs to click on the Design tab in Aludecor website, fill out the form with required details and upload the auto cad drawing and the site image. For more details the departmental Head, Mr. SauravKabra.
Web Announcement
New Design and Application Department of Aludecor.
Contact Mr. SauravKabra.
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