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What are different types of Glazing and its advantages?

By: | February 8, 2017 | Last Updated: June 10, 2024 | 4 minutes read

Windows serve a variety of purposes in a house; from letting in sunlight and ventilation to keeping prying eyes at bay and your home secure. They also help keep out the harsh elements of nature. However, in order to prevent unwanted heat loss, and avoid condensation problems and overall discomfort, it’s paramount that you install glazed windows or at least have your existing windows glazed. They help cut down on energy consumption drastically while making your home energy efficient. Glazed windows are high-performance windows that help lower heat loss, air leakage and minimize condensation.

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Historically, single glazed windows with a single pane of glass were the only options available, but today, there are additional options available for window glazing. They are now available in a variety of choices namely single glass glazing, double glass glazing and triple glass glazing to suit your needs and requirements. Beyond the energy efficiency gains, there are lots of things to consider when installing window glazing. Let us look at the three options and take a look at the various benefits each one provides.

  • Single Glass Glazing

    Single glazed glass windows are made up of one layer of glass and for a long time were the only viable glazing option available. However, owing to a myriad of reasons ranging from global warming to the increasing need for efficiency, single glass glazing has dwindled in popularity. Moreover, they also let in the highest heat loss and are unable to keep out cold, depending on the climatic conditions, while also allowing for the highest daylight transmission. This has made them unsuitable in the current scenario and more and more houses have started opting for either double glazed or triple glazed options.Enquire Now for ACP Glass Glazing

  • Double Glass Glazing

    Double glazing windows are made up of two panes of glass and can help with insulation as well noise reduction. They also help retain heat and keep out the cold more effectively and efficiently. This, in turn, results in more energy savings which in turn helps in lowering the environmental impact while also leaving a smaller carbon footprint. Although it lets in as much light as single glazed windows, the extra space between the windows acts as an additional area of insulation. In cases where a house already has single glazed windows, it’s possible to retrofit in order to add a second pane.

  • Triple Glass Glazing

    A window standard in most urban houses, especially in regions with extreme weather conditions, triple glass glazing has gained popularity owing to the significant energy gains one benefits from. Triple glazing simply means using three panes of glass instead of a single pane or a double pane and the extra pane helps in increasing efficiency while reducing noise transmission. Although switching from a double-paned glass to a triple-paned glass doesn’t result in much energy savings or drastic insulation gains, it must be said that the jump from a single pane to triple pane glazing is enormous.

    Suggested Read: What is Point fixed Glazing – Patch fitting & Spider glass fitting?

  • Final Thoughts

    Triple glazing is generally more suited for larger window panes and French windows as it would require less cleaning owing to a larger pane and self-cleaning properties. Moreover, owing to the extra pane of glass, it also provides for better security as well. Thus, triple glazed windows offer an array of benefits and are a great option for individuals who are concerned about both the economy and the environment, However, if you happen to have double glazed windows, it doesn’t make sense to opt for triple glazed as the heat reduction, insulation, and sound reduction gains are not enough to justify spending an extra premium over it.  In case your windows are single-glazed, opting for triple glazing is a no-brainer.

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