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What Does A Building Architect Do?

By: | July 3, 2024 | Last Updated: July 3, 2024 | 7 minutes read
What Does A Building Architect Do?

When we see the enormous building, we are mesmerized by the sheer excellence of the structure. From burj khalifa to the pyramids We have always wondered who would have designed these majestic buildings. Well, we have the answer for you, it is the work of a building architect who shapes and envisions these building designs. Architecture is one of the oldest professions, its existence can be traced back to ancient times. The design of the building is something that leaves an indelible mark on the course of history. The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy and the Taj Mahal in Agra were first envisioned by the architects and then engineers helped them build the structure. Throughout history professionals engaged in building architecture have gone through many advancements. New-age technology has allowed building architects to achieve the impossible and create astounding buildings.

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In this new era, Architects have gone to achieve heights with the design that they are inventing. There is a huge role that IT and software industry plays in making their dreams come to a reality. The journey of an Architect is not an easy road journey, they have to go through nearly half a decade of learning and then subsequently years of practical training after graduation to finally become a refined Architect.

Qualification And Education Of Building Architect

In India to become you must take science after the 10th and subsequently after the 12th you can appear either for JEE advance or JEE paper 1 and paper 2 to get into Prestigious IIT/ NIT for the 5-year B.arch course. There are other exams as well such as NATA that students can take to get into some prestigious university. Architect from good universities always have an upper hand due to their exposure to the new age readings and access to advanced technology.

There course contains a variety of electives and studio projects. The diverse experience develops their technical skills and creative ability. During their stay at the campus, they learn to use design software and develop models to articulate their ideas effectively.

  • B.arch: This is an undergrad degree for students looking for a career in architecture. This course spans around 5 years and students are nurtured to become proficient in their craft.
  • M.arch: M.arch can span a two or three-year program depending on the requirement and college guidelines. This course enables students to specialise and hone their skills further.

Services That Building Architect Offers

  • Design Consultation: A very vital service that building architects offer is to visualize and create building designs. They first take note of the design requirements of the clients, ask questions and recheck if their thoughts are aligning with their clients. After taking note of the requirements of their clients they start with the site analysis, and if necessary they also research relevant regulations and building codes. They then use their creativity as well as their technical skills to deliver on the demands of their customers.
  • Planning: Planning is among the most important things in a building architect’s life. They are responsible for detailed plans and blueprints that will guide the construction process. Some plans are not restricted to buildings but also specify minor details from materials and construction methods. They ensure that they deliver accurate and comprehensive plans to their clients to ensure the project is feasible, cost-effective, and in compliance with all the regulatory requirements.
  • Executing Plans: This is a crucial service offered by building architects. In many projects, they take the role of project manager to oversee the construction process from beginning to end. This complete stay during the entire timeline of the project ensures that all the plans defined at the start of the project are very well executed and services are rendered within the stipulated timeframe. Their work involves coordinating with different contractors, engineers, and other stakeholders.

Tools And Technology

  • Software: Time has changed so has the requirement of clients, to render proficient services modern architects rely heavily on software to create their designs. Computer-aided design (CAD) software, such as AutoCAD and Revit, allows architects to design accurate drawings and precise 3-D models. There are tools such as Building information modelling that facilitate architects to integrate and manage information about the building’s design, construction and operations. All these technologies mentioned increase the efficiency and collaboration during the design process.
  • Materials and Methods: Building Architects keep themselves informed about advanced construction materials and methods. This helps them curate the design plans well suited for customers. Sometimes requirements of clients are such that they have to use specialised materials and not knowing about them can result in inaccuracy. Building architects are also familiar with modern construction techniques, such as prefabrication, modular construction and sustainable practices to ensure that they come up with design ideas that are both innovative and practical.
  • Virtual Reality: One of the tools that have become a new need for the new age customer is Virtual reality (VR) tools. They are becoming vital for giving a real-life feel and experience of design. VR allows user to see the actual site of the project before their real-life existence. VR produces 3-dimensional images in front of your eyes that help not only to visualize the ideas but also to get real-time inputs from the customers. This new technology provides a more intuitive and realistic understanding of projects, which enables both the building architect and the customer to agree on the terms without any confusion.


Building architects can help you get a modern look and aesthetic appeal to your homes. Choosing the right building architect can be a daunting task. McCoy Mart helps you ease the process of sorting and selecting the ideal building architect by bringing a range of building architect professionals on your screen online. Customers can contact McCoy Mart through different channels to get their queries resolved about hiring the best professionals.

Read Also: Top Tips For Hiring Architect And Different Types Of Architects


Q:1 How to find the best building architect?
A:1 There are many ways to find a building architect, you can contact your friends and family to get a reference or you can visit McCoy Mart to sort out a building architect for yourself.

Q:2 How can building architects help me?
A:2 Building architects can help you by showing you design ideas to revamp your building or construct a new building with aesthetic appeal.

Q:3 How to become a building architect?
A:3 One should start by opting for science after the 12th acquire a B.arch degree and then apply for a license to practice as a building architect.

Q:4 How much does it cost to hire a building architect?
A:4 Cost depends on the range of services you want, and for the time you will be engaging the building architect.

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