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Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockboard

By: | April 12, 2019 | Last Updated: October 17, 2022 | 3 minutes read

Blockboards are boards that are quite different from all types of engineered woods such as plywood etc. They are made from solid blocks of wood and then sandwiched within the layers of wood veneer by using various types of chemicals. If you are planning to buy a blockboard then you must go through the various advantages and disadvantages of such boards. Short information on the subject can be proved to be quite fruitful.

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The Basic Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockboard

    • As blockboard is usually made from the softwood of pine and other trees they are very light weighted. So as it is very lightweight it can be easily carried or transported from one place to another. Most of the doors of the houses are made of blockboard.
    • If you are willing to make long shelves in your house then it is best to choose a backboard. This is because plywood often bends and gets damaged but this type of board is very stiff and does not get damaged easily
    • Blockboard is much cheaper than any other wood. Another type of wood is much higher in price and sometimes it becomes tough to afford.

Apart from this, the basic disadvantage of blockboard is that,

  • Blockboard is not strong as any type of plywood or similar woods. They are not durable in the true sense. This is because they are made of softwood. In the case of manufacturing any type of furniture, it is best to go for plywood rather than blockboard.
  • Sometimes there are gaps within the blocks. This may not be observed from the outside due to the presence of wood veneer. It may not affect in any way but the main effect is observed within the holding strength of the nails. However, it may not happen anytime. It may be observed occasionally.
    In spite of several advantages and disadvantages of blockboard, many people prefer to use it.

Suggested Read: List of Different Grades of Plywood

The Main use of Block board

It can be well said in this context that there are ample uses of blockboard. For erecting any type of big structure blockboard is mainly applied. They are found to be much more reliable in such a case. All type of window or door shelves is mainly made of blockboard. These are the main blockboard advantages that need to be mentioned.
Most of the wall furniture or wall panels are usually made by the application of bloc board. It must have been noticed that most of the wall partition is made of blockboard. There are many companies that also manufacture this type of board at a very reasonable price. However, the main thing required is people should be well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the blockboard.
Most of the blockboard is made by using two grades. One is the interior grade and the other one is the exterior grade. The first one is moisture-resistant while the other one is water-resistant. People can choose the one that is best suited to them. The interior grade is mainly used for making interior doors while the outer grade is used for making the outdoors in many places.
Many people have started using block boards for various purposes. Even many real estate companies also prefer to use this type of board in their construction work. There may be many blockboard disadvantages but still, maximum people prefer to have such items in their house. They are used both for exterior and interior purposes.

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