Designer panels have, over the time, become popular, not only for their appearance, but also the impact they leave on the spectator. They have become one of the most sought after materials being used for the interiors because of the variety they offer, changing the look and feel of the place they are used in. Ply Mahal, an innovative designer and importer of interior products, recently launched a new collection of Metallic Designer Panels. These are textured decorative panels that can help complement and enhance the look of your rooms. The series is made up of Metallurgic Hammer design, metallurgic Specter design, metallurgic hexagonal design and metallurgic Almond design in the royal shade of Gold. The dimensions of the product are (2400×600) mm and are 3mm thick, with temperature stability up to 60 degree Celsius. The variety of differences between each of the designs is what makes them unique; the color palette is metallic and comes in silver, bronze or copper shades, making the interior of the space feel exuberant. The Director of Ply Mahal, Mr. Pankaj Kumar, emphasised how the ease to clean the said material and the fact that they are durable makes them cost effective and one that would sustain themselves for years without any glitch.
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The brand is based in Delhi and their contact details are as follows:
Price : On Request
Showroom Address : 1/123, W.H.S.,
Kirti Nagar, Near Fire Station,
New Delhi – 110015, India
Telephone No. : 011-41420780
email id : plymahal@gmail.com
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