The London Festival of Architecture is in its 13th Edition for the year 2017 where architects and designers, real estate builders and developers alongside design studios are going to be exhibiting their works and products. The Festival invites artists, students and professionals from all across the world and the city of London to debate, discuss and celebrate various breakthroughs and achievements in the field of architecture. Opening to a crowd of 30,000 people in the year 2016, the events lined up for 2017 are curated to bring forth the discussions which encourage general public participation so that one is able to understand the problems being faced by communities and address them in the best possible of ways. This year has a theme revolving around ‘Memory’ and therefore, each of the events have topics that celebrate and challenge human memory with that of the city. Sir David Adjaye, Daniel Libeskind and Lord Richard Rogers would also be speaking at the event.
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Date : 1st June 2017 -30th June 2017
Venue : There is no defined venue as the entire city will be having events and exhibits put up in all the corners

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