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What is PU Foam?

By: | August 1, 2016 | Last Updated: November 2, 2022 | 2 minutes read

Polyurethane foam has wide applications and is available as Low density flexible foam and Low density rigid foam. They are used in the following applications-

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Building Insulation –PU foam is a very good insulator and helps in increases the energy efficiency of the building. It is used in cavity walls, roofs, around pipes, in boilers thus increasing the durability of the building.

Refrigerators & Freezers – PU foam is a very light weight material and very good insulating material for refrigerators. It reduces the energy required to keep the refrigerators and freezers cool.

Furniture & Bedding –They are used as an infill material in bedding mattresses, cushions, sofas. They are extremely durable, flexible, and comfortable and maintain their shape.

Footwear -Polyurethane is a very good material for manufacturing of shoe soles. It is highly durable and comfortable and takes the shape of the feet.

Automotive Industry –It is used in the cushions, arm rests and seats to provide comfort while driving and sitting. It is also used within the body of the car so to act as an insulator and preventing the car to become too hot or too cold due to external weather.

Adhesives and Coatings -Polyurethane adhesives are widely used in the construction industry for binding two surfaces. They are also used in the manufacturing of Sealants. Polyurethane is also available as a coating having anti corrosive and anti rusting properties.

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