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Plywood & Boards

Advantages and Disadvantages of WPC Boards

Advantages and Disadvantages of WPC Boards

February 17 , 2023

WPC is a highly durable and secure material used for construction purposes. It is a blend of wood fiber wood...

Granite vs. Marble

Granite vs. Marble

October 20 , 2022

Granite and Marble are the most commonly used natural stone used in the interiors and exteriors. Both the building materials...

What are Veneer Sheets & Its Types

What are Veneer Sheets & Its Types

October 19 , 2022

Veneer in carpentry parlance refers to a very thin slice of wood. The veneer is put to use by gluing...

Veneer vs Laminate: What Should you Choose for Interior Finish

Veneer vs Laminate: What Should you Choose for Interior Finish

October 19 , 2022

Veneer vs laminate : the battle continues Ha! Ha! Ha! That is the question Veneer is real, real really wood...

What is Block Board – It’s Types and Uses

What is Block Board – It’s Types and Uses

October 19 , 2022

The plywood which refers to thin sheets of wood bonded together replaced wood for making furniture, kitchen cabinets etc as...

What is the difference between hot and cold lamination?

What is the difference between hot and cold lamination?

October 18 , 2022

Hot Lamination – Hot lamination is the most common lamination method used and is generally preferred over cold lamination. Hot...

What is Wood Veneer – Its Types & Uses

What is Wood Veneer – Its Types & Uses

October 18 , 2022

What is Wood Veneer? Before commencing deep into the subject it is vital to know what wood veneer is. It...

What is a Floor Joist?

What is a Floor Joist?

October 18 , 2022

Floor Joists are timber beams that run parallel to the walls and perpendicular to the beams to form the supportive...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockboard

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockboard

October 17 , 2022

Blockboards are boards that are quite different from all types of engineered woods such as plywood etc. They are made...

Why WPC Boards Are Better Than Plywood

Why WPC Boards Are Better Than Plywood

October 12 , 2022

WPC Boards Are Better Than Plywood If you’ve decided to remodel your kitchen or are getting a brand new one...

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